Note 1: Mesen is relatively CPU intensive and this pack is also quite demanding.

Added 8-Bit Music in the Alternate Sound Folder. The README details the work performed by each person below that helped make Zelda: Remastered possible.Īclectico, KYA, Sour, ShadowOne333, Snarfblam, Pepeztyle, MadBatter, Altar, ADilla, Farian, Arne, Fool, ChaosMiles07, and MattriOST.Īlso, special thanks to Paul Veer for creating the awesome spritework found in Cadence of Hyrule that served as an artistic foundation for Zelda: Remastered. Please note, many sprites were referenced from other entries in the series (such as Cadence of Hyrule) and from other artists who are fans of the series.

Also, credit should go to the various artists who created content that was crucial in completing the final pack (artistic and programming sources are detailed in the credits section of the README). Credit should go to the original gameplay improvement authors for work done on prior hacks. It is a hack that builds upon other prior hacks and it uses Zelda 1 Redux as a base (available at: ). This pack replaces graphics, sound effects, and music. **A new pack version (V 1.3) is available as of **Ī Mesen HD Pack is now available for the NES game, The Legend of Zelda.